We are glad you are here.
How can we help?

Food Assistance

Boxes of pantry stable food are provided monthly. Fresh produce, meat and other extras are provided weekly.
All items are given at no cost to clients of the Labor of Love Food Pantry.



2:00 - 5:30 PM


Here at the Eastport Labor of Love food pantry, food is distributed on Fridays 2:00-5:30 PM





If you are in need of an emergency food bag, please call the pantry and someone will get back to you.

Register for Assistance

To register for assistance, please speak to the Food Pantry Manger, Lindy McClellan, who may be reached at 207-853-0812. In case of emergency need, please leave a message at 207-853-0812 and someone will get back to you as quickly as possible.

Get Involved

We welcome gifts of canned goods, garden produce in season, and unopened up-to-date food products, as well as offers of volunteer assistance from community members.

Please email manager@eastportlaboroflove.org to coordinate a donation of food or to learn more about volunteering.  

Fuel Assistance

Guidelines for seeking Emergency Heating Assistance within the Greater Eastport area:


Please note that this assistance is available for emergencies only, and you will be asked for evidence that you have sought Federal Fuel Assistance through the Downeast Community Partners, known as the LIHEAP program.


Applicants must reside in the vicinity of the communities within the Greater Eastport area, including Pembroke, Perry, Robbinston, Dennysville, Edmunds, and Charlotte. 


To help us provide you with assistance quickly, efficiently and discretely, it is necessary to request personal information, to be kept in the strictest confidence.

Please note:  GEECA’s Community Emergency Fuel Fund is a charitable program, operating on a revolving basis as funds become available from local donors, churches, individuals and businesses.  All assistance is at the discretion of the Fuel Secretaries whose regular telephone numbers are provided above.   All Emergency Fuel Assistance is a non-transferable gift, for which no goods or services are required in return.

Register for Assistance

If you are in an emergency situation due to lack of heating fuel you may call the numbers below to ask for help:

In Eastport: 853-2300, Ella Kowal, Eastport City Hall

In Dennysville-Edmunds, Pembroke, Perry: 726-3905, Colin Windhorst, The Dennysville-Edmunds Congregational Church.

Get Involved

To donate to the Emergency Fuel Fund, please contact the Greater Eastport Ecumenical Churches Association (GEECA) through this website, or  send your contrbution to P.O. Box 147 Eastport Maine 04631.

This is Your food pantry — a way to reach out to your neighbors, and realize the great commandment to Love our Neighbors as Ourselves. Let’s make this a Labor of Love together!

Become a friend of Labor of Love!

Share your contact information and you will receive news about the good work of Labor of Love Food Pantry, invitations to special events, and opportunities to help others.